Episode 8. This is my brother

1. Paying - 2. Rooms - 3. Possessive Pronouns - 4. Relations & Family

ANNE goes to SARAH’s house for lunch.
ANNE arrives in a taxi.

 TAXI-DRIVER Here we are.

ANNE How much is that?

TAXI-DRIVER That’ll be seventeen-fifty thanks love.
She gives him twenty dollars

ANNE Keep the change.

TAXI-DRIVER Thankyou. Have a nice day.
ANNE walks towards the house and knocks.
The door is opened by a little girl (LOUISE).

ANNE Hello. I’m Anne.
Louise turns and runs.

SARAH comes to the door.

SARAH Come in Anne!

ANNE What a beautiful house!

SARAH It’s been a lot of work, but we’re getting there. This is the bathroom. This is my daughter’s bedroom. And here’s the kitchen.
Louise is in the kitchen ‘helping’.

SARAH Anne’s here. You’ve met my daughter Louise.

ANNE Hello Louise.

LOUISE I’m helping.

ANNE Yes, I see…

SARAH And my husband Mark.

ANNE Hello again.
Mark pretends to have a pain in the back.

ANNE Ooh! Sorry about my heavy bag.

MARK Just kidding.

SARAH But you haven’t met my little brother. This is Steve.

STEVE I was going to pick you up this morning. You wouldn’t let me.

ANNE I’m sorry. I like to find my own way around.

STEVE No worries. Maybe another time.

ANNE Yes, maybe

SARAH Come on. Let’s go outside.