GRE - Sentence Completion - Test 28

Choose the word or set of words that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

1. Very quickly the native Californians were overwhelmed by people of all __________, coming from all __________ -- by wagon train from Council Bluffs , Iowa , by horseback from ranchos to the south, by ship from China .

A. destinations - vehicles
B. nationalities - countries
C. upbringings - interests
D. backgrounds - directions
E. denominations - sectors

2. Scientists have __________ a bright purple, bloated frog in southern India that is so unique it merits the establishment of not only a new __________ but also a new family.

A. uncovered - topic
B. alleviated - genus
C. discovered - species
D. disseminated - disturbance
E. distinguished - categorization

3. The governor has shied from taking a position on the issue, but the Civil Liberties Union said it would actively __________ any program that forced inmates to sign the __________ .

A. support - interface
B. challenge - document
C. reflect - text
D. sustain - certification
E. revere - petition

4. Long waiting ___________, it seems, have become a defining element of the heath- care system; and nowhere is it ___________ than in orthopedic surgery.

A. days - more
B. times - shabbier
C. spots - better
D. periods - worse
E. eras - greater

5. Tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people a year and nearly two billion people worldwide have ___________ tuberculosis infection, a massive potential reservoir for the ___________.

A. sleeping - affliction
B. latent - disease
C. raging - affiliation
D. dozing - illness
E. rampant - circumstance The best answer is . Since there is a potential reservoir, it makes sense that the disease is dormant. Choices A, B and D all have the same meaning but only latent is a word applied to a disease. The ___________ multi-cellular creatures on earth, sponges are collections of loosely organized single cells with no true organs or ___________ . A. plain - glands B. plainest - tissue C. simpler - tools D. simplest - tissues E. small - pianos

6. Timber rattlesnakes used to be common in a range ___________ from Oklahoma and Nebraska up the Appalachians to southern New England , and ___________ the Mississippi river to Wisconsin and Minnesota .

A. progressing - by
B. extending - along
C. extenuating - forward
D. persevering - onward
E. originating - siding

7. The city is ___________ to annex land for new, suburban-style homes, but zoning abuses blight existing neighborhoods with ___________ construction.

A. scheduled - exquisite
B. talking - opulent
C. foregoing - errant
D. slated - illegal
E. considering - succulent