Business research vs. agricultural research

If I were asked an advice I would recommend to develop a center for research in agriculture in Armenia.   Republic of Armenia has limited land resources. The average height above sea level is at 1800 m. The Republic has 9 climatic zones, ranging from subtropics to sub-alpine. Population density in the regions favorable for farming is very high. Under such conditions the problems of food provisions are very acute.  

Transition to market economy, followed by breaking up of kolkhozes and sovkhozes, led to the formation of many agricultural farms with small plots. This resulted in considerable deterioration in the use of land such as neglecting of crop rotations. Use of fertilizers and pest or diseases control agents dropped significantly.  

The problems of granting credits to farmers have not been solved, and as a result many farms, instead of increasing their production, have become a mere self-sustaining units what is conducive to cutting of links between agricultural production and food-processing industry.  

Formerly Armenia exported to other regions of the Soviet Union dozens of thousands of tons of fresh apricots, peaches, grapes, vegetables and early potatoes, as well as processed products, such as canned food, juices, wine and brandy. Currently Armenia exports only a small quantity of brandy.  

For solving all these problems we should have progress in agricultural production and food-processing industry.