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Regional customs and habits
Customs of Tanzania
Marriage and Family
Today it has become common, especially in cities, for individuals to choose their own spouses. Traditionally, the groom’s family gives a dowry to the bride’s family to thank them for raising the woman who will soon join their family, and to compensate them for the loss of a productive member of the family. This custom continues to be especially important in rural areas where extended families share work responsibilities.
Customs of The Gambia
Marriage and Family
While the practice of arranged marriages has been rapidly diminishing in urban areas, it is still common among rural families. Men and women share family responsibilities, but women are responsible for household chores while men provide the family income. Although polygamy is still practiced, especially in rural areas, it is not common.
Customs of Tunisia
Marriage and Family
Marriage is considered a union not only between individuals but also between two families. Traditionally, marriages were arranged by the parents, but young people now have increasing opportunities for meeting and getting to know one another independently. Polygamy, although allowed under Islamic law, has been illegal since
Customs of Tonga
Marriage and Family
Marriages are times of great celebration. Ceremonies follow the religious traditions of the families. Festivities after the ceremony can include hymn singing, a large feast, and many speeches. Young couples may choose to move in with the bride’s parents, but they generally have their own home.
Parents, children, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins are close-knit and help each other whenever possible. In many cases, all family members work together to plant, harvest, cook, and fish. When young married couples live with the woman’s parents, the man takes responsibility to provide food for that family. Although families are getting smaller, they still average three or four children.
Customs of Turkey
Marriage and Family
In rural areas, families are greatly involved in deciding whom a person will marry, but in urban areas the choice is generally the couple’s. It is against the law for women to marry before age 15, and men before age 17. In cities, many wait until their education and sometimes military service have been completed before getting married. The average age for marriage is 22 for women and 25 for men.