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An Awful Dream

Last night I dreamed about you and me
we're together in a swarming sea
Only you are there to comfort me
And protect me from the cold on sea

But when we are about to be freed
A loch ness monster appeared and said
"In this sea, you'll be trapped forever,
And suffer pains that you cannot bear."

I was so frightened to hear those things
But then you give me a pretty ring
You said it symbolizes your love
Whatever happens, I must not sob

Suddenly, I had another dream
Mysteriously, we came to a stream
I have seen you sitting beside me
But it is blurred, I really can't see

Slowly, you have became out of sight
And then came a light, shining so bright
That made me blind, I only see dark
even your voice, I can't hear a mark

I was so afraid to be left there
Without you, I don't know what to share
but in all dreams, it have it's ending
It ended when I stopped dreaming.

by: Grace Grampa