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IELTS Essay, topic: Natural resources cannot sustain economic growth, agree or disagree?
There is no longer enough natural resources to sustain current levels of economic growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Recently, the {tooltip}demands of{end-link}demand for{end-tooltip} natural resources {tooltip}have{end-link}has{end-tooltip} risen dramatically across the world due to population growth. Some people state that we {tooltip}have not{end-link}do not have{end-tooltip} enough resources. However, there are some individuals who disagree with this opinion. In this essay, the issues behind this phenomenon will be examined.
On the one hand, some people state that if {tooltip}the number of natural resource{end-link}natural resources{end-tooltip} will continue to {tooltip} degrease{end-link}deplete{end-tooltip} we cannot have a comfortable life because natural resources are limited. According to a {tooltip}government research in the USA shows that{end-link}research conducted by the US Government{end-tooltip} if this situation will continue, the petrol will {tooltip}lose{end-link}run out{end-tooltip} in 2050. Moreover, it is widely said that the {tooltip}number of population in the world{end-link}world population{end-tooltip} will increase. This will make the amount of natural {tooltip}resource decrease{end-link}resources insufficient{end-tooltip}.
On the other hand, there are some individuals who disagree with above-mentioned perception. The {tooltip}demands of{end-link}demand for{end-tooltip} natural resources will {tooltip}be lessen owning to improving the{end-link}reduce owing to the improvement of{end-tooltip} technology. For example, the {tooltip}developments{end-link}development{end-tooltip} of technology such as {tooltip}electronic{end-link}electric{end-tooltip} cars {tooltip}gave{end-link}has{end-tooltip} a positive impact {tooltip}in{end-link}on{end-tooltip} the society. By using this, we can {tooltip}decline{end-link}reduce{end-tooltip} the consumption of natural resources. Eventually, we will not need natural fuel. In my opinion, {tooltip}decreasing{end-link}depletion{end-tooltip} of natural {tooltip}resource{end-link}resources{end-tooltip} is {tooltip}quite crisis{end-link}a serious problem{end-tooltip}, I think the loss of it {tooltip}give{end-link}will have{end-tooltip} a negative impact {tooltip}in{end-link}on{end-tooltip} the society because {tooltip}even we{end-link}we{end-tooltip} won’t have a comfortable life any more.
In conclusion, I agree with the idea that there is no longer enough natural resources to sustain this situation. In order to {tooltip}defense{end-link}sustain{end-tooltip} our life, the governments {tooltip}every{end-link}of all{end-tooltip} countries should tackle this issue.
This essay needs work, in particular in the areas of grammar, sentence structure and word choice (mouse over the words in blue will show suggested corrections). The arguments could have been more convincing. The word count is only 245, whereas at least 250 words are required to avoid being penalised. Overall, this looks like a Band 5.5 essay.
Source: ielts-blog.com