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IELTS Letter, topic: Explaining to a friend how to look after your house
You are going away to travel for the summer. A friend will be looking after your house while you are away. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:
- say where you are going
- describe your house
- explain some of the things your friend must do to look after your house.
Dear Sam,
Thank you in advance for looking after my house and my lovely puppies {tooltip}when{end-link}while{end-tooltip} I am on vacation. You know how excited I am to go to Bali! It is indeed a dream coming true now.
I just want to let you know that my house has {tooltip}just{end-link}avoid repeating the same word so closely within the same sentence{end-tooltip} been renovated and since you haven’t been to my place for a couple of months, you have to use the stairs next to the car park {tooltip}instead{end-link}instead of{end-tooltip} using the main entrance door. The ground floor will not be accessible and will be locked for maintenance reasons.
I need to mention a couple of things which you need to look after during my absence. My dogs will be staying on the top floor and I {tooltip}will{end-link}would{end-tooltip} be very grateful if you {tooltip}can{end-link}could{end-tooltip} feed them thrice a week.
Last {tooltip}not least{end-link}but not least{end-tooltip}, could you please clean {tooltip}the dogs poop{end-link}after the dogs (a more polite form){end-tooltip} as well. Please feel free to contact me in case of any emergencies on my cell phone 04245681112 or via email as well This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Yes I know, I have not forgotten your treat as I owe you this one mate !
Thank you once again for your help.
See you soon,
The candidate has fairly addressed all the parts of the task statement. The information is organized well and conveyed coherently. The level of formality is suitable for a personal letter. In terms of sentence formation the writer has done well. The range of vocabulary is adequate for the requirements of the task response, although there are minor problems with word choice and grammar (bring the mouse over the words in blue to see suggested corrections). Overall, this letter is a good one, and seems worthy of Band 8.
Source: ielts-blog.com