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Betting / Auction
Level: Any Level
- Prepare a worksheet with 20 or so sentences using grammar points you have recently taught. 2/3 of the sentences should include a grammatical mistake.
- Make fake money, it is more realistic if you use the currency of whichever country they are living in.
- Divide the students into teams of 5 or so.
- The students then have 10 minutes to study the worksheet and decide and mark which sentences are correct (0) or incorrect (X).
- Each team receives a set amount of money.
- The instructor(s) reads one sentence (select sentences from the list in random order).
- The instructor begins to auction off the sentence. The students should try to buy only the correct sentences. The students bid and the instructor sells to the highest bidder. (This is really fun!)
- The instructor tells whether or not the sentence is correct.
- IF the sentence is correct the team wins the amount which they bought if for. If it is incorrect the team looses the amount which they bought it for. ANY team may win the lost money buy stating the incorrect sentence correctly. (YOU WILL BE SHOCKED TO SEE EVEN THE QUIET STUDENTS SCREAMING FOR YOUR ATTENTION).
- IF the sentence is CORRECT and NO ONE bids on it, ALL TEAMS must pay a fine.
- After all the sentences have been read the team with the most money wins!
The students seem to really enjoy this game!
Source: http://iteslj.org