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Three Extensive Reading Activities for ESL/EFL Students Using E-books
This online extensive reading lesson focuses on intermediate and advanced ESL/EFL students. The objectives of this lesson are to guide students to read authentic e-texts outside of the classroom and to improve their overall reading, writing and thinking skills by synthesizing and evaluating online materials with peers. This lesson aims at EFL high school or college students, but can also be modified and used in both native English and ESL/EFL reading courses for younger students.
Part 1
The Lesson
Three activities are designed to help students choose books that meet their interests and reading levels, read and share books both on their own and in a group, and think critically with online texts, tools and resources. Students are provided 10 e-books of different lengths and varying difficulty and study guides as scaffolding for learning. Students are also encouraged to use electronic resources.
1. Choosing Books
This activity gives students the opportunity of selecting books that are interesting and appropriate for them to read.
- The instructor emails the class a list of 10 e-books and the study guide and asks students to skim and scan some pages of each book on the web.
- The class votes for the books they might be interested in reading. Students can cast their votes either in the classroom or in an online poll.
Study Guide
The following questions help students skim through these e-books.
- What is the title of this story?
- What type of story is it?
- Who is the main character in this story?
- Is it suitable for me, too easy or too difficult?
- Is this book interesting to me?
2. Reading and Sharing Books
This activity leads students not only to read e-texts at their own pace, but to share their text with other students with different abilities and interpretations. Learners can monitor, revise and evaluate their work during the learning process.
- The class reads the three e-books that get the most votes. The class forms groups of three. Each student in a group chooses one of the three books to read as their outside reading assignment.
- Each group discusses these three books based on the story elements of title, setting, characters, problems, major events and conclusion.
- Each member in a group can take turns telling the story, asking questions and retelling the story either in the classroom or an online chat room.
- Each group types a summary report of the three books. Students can exchange and discuss their summaries in the classroom or post and discuss their summaries in the class weblogs.
Study Guide
Here are two websites.
- A story map: http://www.education-world.com/a_tsl/TM/WS_storymapws.shtml
- An advanced story map: http://www.lefthandlogic.com/htmdocs/interventions/rdngcompr/storymap1.shtml
The following questions about the main ideas in a book help students read the text and then comprehend and organize their smmaries individually.
- Who is in the story?
- Where does the story take place?
- When does it happen?
- What is it about?
- How does it turn out?
The following questions ask for more details from the book, and might help students elaborate their thoughts and share their stories with their partners collaboratively.
- What are the main characters like?
- How does the setting affect the characters?
- What are the unexpected developments or problems in the story?
- How did the author create the mood (the overall impression)?
- What is the lesson of the story?