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What do you want to change about your school?
There are many important changes that I would like to make in my school. But if I had to make only one change I would permit pupil to go to classes of their choice. In a school which I attended students did not have a choice, all subjects were compulsory. In my country this is a usual situation, all schools are uniform and almost all changes are directed from the Ministry of Education.
Every student has different interests in study. Many like to study literature, while others find studying math much more enticing. For example, from the early age I wanted to be a computer programmer or mathematician, but I have to study advanced chemistry or literature. I hated those subjects, I knew that as soon as I went out of school I would forget everything about chemistry formulas or Tolstoy`s last novel. But I had to study those subjects on the same level as people who wanted to go to chemistry departments in university.
Also every student has subjects in which he has very strong knowledge and abilities, while in other subjects his comprehension might be much weaker. Every student is unique, but Russian educational system makes everyone study the same subjects. For instance, I was very good at English language, but others were not. A lot of times I had to repeat the rules, which I knew by heart. Most people in my group were not even able to understand indirect speech!
But if we had optional subjects the situation would change dramatically. Instead of repeating obsolete things, everyone would study subjects that would help him/her in his/her future life. For example, I would have studied advanced calculus or differential equations, subjects that were of great interest to me in high school. Or I would have studied English with a group with much better understanding of English language, than my old group. Of cause, some subjects would still be obligatory, for example everyone should be able to read and write, but most of the subjects might be optional.
Everyone in our world is unique and it is not right to make everybody study the same things. Of cause it is much easier to administer uniform schools than schools with optional subjects. But schools are created to teach students, not to be easy to control. Optional subjects would make my school better suited to real needs of students in it, would be much more interesting to study in.