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A traditional house vs. a modern apartment
Finding a comfortable place to live is dreams of many people, thus, whether choosing to live in a modern apartment or a traditional house, becomes a popular topic. To choose one between the two is a matter of balancing its pros and cons. As far as I am concerned, it is more advisable to choose living in a modern apartment than living in a traditional house.
The most persuasive point is that modern apartment is generally in much better shape than house. Being new probably means all the pumping works, the roof is not going to leak, the windows are properly sealed, and the kitchen appliances are in working order. A traditional house cannot guarantee any of that. I illustrate the example just in an attempt to state one fact that modern apartments have better living conditions than house.
This is only one part of my opinion, another aspect of my reason lies in the fact that modern apartment is safer than traditional house. There are cameras in both hall way and elevators, the security system is well equipped, you do not need to have the concern that if one day somebody may break into your house. In contrast, the traditional houses do not have this advantage. If you read the local newspaper you will find that there is not a single stealing case happening in apartments, but many occur in houses.
Furthermore, if you live in an apartment, you can expect high standard of living by just spending small amount of money. Most apartments have exercise facilities, for example, swimming pool, running machine, tennis field or even basketball field. Image how much money one will spend if he builds all these in his backyard. Admittedly, traditional house also has its advantages; one extreme manifestation of its advantage is that one can have much larger rooms in a house than in the apartment.
If all the factors are contemplated, I think I would prefer to live in a modern apartment, in that I do not need to repair my room, I do not need to worry about the safety of my possession, and I can exercise more conveniently.