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What events make a person an adult?
Even though there are so many happenings to make a child an adult, I would like to discuss following two major things.
First, I believe that getting a job is most distinctive things which make a young one a matured man. I am not accustomed to thinking that physical mature or just passing legal age line - e.g. 18 years old, or something like that - make a child an adult because, I believe, a genuine adult can make a living by his/her own ability. I think an adult are perfectly ready to contribute him/herself to the society through occupations. Getting a profession as a way of self-realization in community is necessary condition to be a competent adult.
Second, due to the fact that the most basic component of society is a family not an individual, I also think that making a family is another necessity of being an adult. A family is an only means to reproduce and sustain our society so marrying and having children are typical experiences and ceremonies to be an adult even if there are different perspectives about them. As a wife, a husband, and parents, we eventually have a right and responsibility as an adult.
Of course, I am not sure that these two things guarantee a real adult because this happenings are only outer aspects. Most important thing is, through these experiences and ceremonies, to internalize our minds in order to suit for improving self-realization and quality of our lives.