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Tips on teenagers
Here are some tips on teenagers:
Really listen to what your teenager has to say and actively acknowledge the feelings on both sides.
Remember to acknowledge their point of view even if they don’t necessarily share it.
Try to keep things in perspective. Decide what is important and what is less important and expect to be challenged.
Your relationship with your child is changing. They are becoming young adults. Try to speak to them as young adults rather than ‘children’.
Send plenty of strong messages of thanks and appreciation.
Show an interest in what your teenager is doing at school and out of school but don’t pry into their personal lives.
Sometimes it’s best to agree to disagree over the values behind a conflict, but you can agree to changes in behaviour.
Avoid using labels as they can be very damaging to your child’s self-esteem. The need to fulfil even positive labels can be carried like a weight around the neck into adult life.
Teenagers need freedom so they can learn to take responsibility for themselves but they still need to boundaries which show them that you care.
Changing bodies and strange feelings and thoughts can leave a teenager feeling very self-conscious, so their space and privacy is important.
Remember to look after yourself and recharge your battery in order to continue doing the job of parenting.
Don’t be afraid of seeking help if necessary.
Try to have general chats with friends and relatives who also have teenagers – you may pick up some useful ideas.