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GMAT - Reading Comprehension - Test 3
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer each question.
The article ?Shock therapy for mental patients will be reviewed?
continues the ignorant tradition of demonizing electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT) in the media (the very use of the anachronistic
and misleading phrase ?shock therapy? is unwarranted) without
5 presenting the compelling reasons for its continued use. Most
of the facts and quotations in the article, including the
gratuitous final paragraph about pigs in an abattoir, are
simply taken from an article by Davar in ?Issues in Medical
Ethics?, without questioning whether Davar?s presentation of
10 the issue is an unbiased and scientifically accurate one. What
Ms. Davar, and by extension Ms. Jain, has done is simply cite
authorities who agree with her point of view, quote statistics
without context, use an abundance of negative adjectives, and
ignore outright the empirically proven benefits (often
15 life-saving) of ECT in many categories of mentally-ill
patients. This is shabby and irresponsible medical journalism.
While this is not the place to dispute, point-by-point, Ms.
Davar?s presentation of her position and Ms. Jain?s repetition
of it, I would like to quote, to counter their negative
20 emphasis, from Andrew Solomon?s widely read, intensively
researched, highly respected book, The Noonday Demon: An
Anatomy of Depression. Solomon writes: ?Antidepressants
are effective [against major depression] about 50 percent of
the time, perhaps a bit more; ECT seems to have some
25 significant impact between 75 and 90 percent of the time...
Many patients feel substantially better within a few days
of having an ECT treatment ? a boon particularly striking
in contrast to the long, slow process of medication response.
ECT is particularly appropriate for the severely suicidal ?
30 for patients who repeatedly injure themselves and whose
situation is therefore mortally urgent ? because of its
rapid action and high response rate, and it is used in
pregnant women, the sick, and the elderly, because it does
not have the systemic side effects or drug-interaction
35 problems of most medications.?
There are, indeed, problems with the administration of ECT,
especially in a country like India with its poor health
infrastructure. It would be foolish to deny that the
practice is subject to abuse (as Solomon and numerous
40 Indian writers report). The continued use of ?direct? ECT
(without the use of an anesthetic) is certainly a matter
of concern ? and a concerted effort to implement national
guidelines making ?modified? ECT (using an anesthetic)
mandatory is as necessary as it is laudatory. But we can
45 all do without more pieces of journalism which perpetuate
the myth that ECT is a medically unjustified, indeed barbaric
practice, tantamount to torture. This ignorant view, equally
prevalent in the West as it is in India, has more to do with
movies like One Flew Over The Cuckoo?s Nest than
50 with scientific fact.
1. It can be inferred that the author believes that the author of the article mentioned in the first line
I fails to question her source material rigorously
II includes unwarranted matter
III uses an excess of pejorative terms
A. I only B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. III only
E. I, II and III
2. The author?s attitude towards ECT is best described as a
A. determined neutralityB. mild criticism
C. wholehearted approbation
D. qualified approval
E. laudatory justification
3. The author?s makes his point primarily by
A. offering a particular authority as a counterviewB. attacking one author?s lack of social responsibility
C. criticizing the mindset of medical journalists
D. a reasoned discussion of the merits and demerits of a therapy
E. offering an objective evaluation
It is exceedingly difficult to make people realize that an evil
is an evil. For instance, we seize a man and deliberately do
him a malicious injury: say, imprison him for years. One would
not suppose that it needed any exceptional clearness of wit to
5 recognize in this an act of diabolical cruelty. But in England
such a recognition provokes a stare of surprise, followed by an
explanation that the outrage is punishment or justice or
something else that is all right, or perhaps by a heated attempt
to argue that we should all be robbed and murdered in our beds
10 if such senseless villainies as sentences of imprisonment were
not committed daily. It is useless to argue that even if this
were true, which it is not, the alternative to adding crimes
of our own to the crimes from which we suffer is not helpless
submission. Chickenpox is an evil; but if I were to declare
15 that we must either submit to it or else repress it by seizing
everyone who suffers from it and punishing them by inoculation
with smallpox, I should be laughed at; for though nobody could
deny that the result would be to prevent chickenpox to some
extent by making people avoid it much more carefully, and to
20 effect a further apparent prevention by making them conceal
it very anxiously, yet people would have sense enough to see
that the deliberate propagation of smallpox was a creation of
evil, and must therefore be ruled out in favor of purely humane
and hygienic measures. Yet in the precisely parallel case of a
25 man breaking into my house and stealing my diamonds I am
expected as a matter of course to steal ten years of his life.
If he tries to defeat that monstrous retaliation by shooting
me, my survivors hang him. The net result suggested by the
police statistics is that we inflict atrocious injuries on the
30 burglars we catch in order to make the rest take effectual
precautions against detection; so that instead of saving our
diamonds from burglary we only greatly decrease our chances
of ever getting them back, and increase our chances of being
shot by the robber.
35 But the thoughtless wickedness with which we scatter
sentences of imprisonment is as nothing compared to the
stupid levity with which we tolerate poverty as if it were
either a wholesome tonic for lazy people or else a virtue to
be embraced as St. Francis embraced it. If a man is indolent,
40 let him be poor. If he is drunken, let him be poor. If he is
not a gentleman, let him be poor. If he is addicted to the
fine arts or to pure science instead of to trade and finance,
let him be poor. If he chooses to spend his wages on his beer
and his family instead of saving it up for his old age, let
45 him be poor. Let nothing be done for "the undeserving": let
him be poor. Serve him right! Also -- somewhat inconsistently
-- blessed are the poor!
4. The passage is most probably intended to
A. serve as an introduction to a more detailed discussion of povertyB. censure imprisonment as a punitive measure
C. analyze the possible repercussions of social evils
D. continue a prior discussion of strong measures against social evils
E. make people recognize social evils in the face of deliberate obfuscation
5. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would agree with all the following except
A. most people don?t realize that by punishing offenders they are surrendering themselves to the vicious cycle of crime and punishmentB. sentences of imprisonment have little success in reducing the crime rate in society
C. it would be ridiculous to inoculate people suffering from chicken pox with small pox
D. if criminals were not strongly punished for their misdeeds there would be no law and order in society
E. tolerating poverty is at least as bad as inflicting punishments on criminals
6. The author?s argument about imprisonment would be most weakened by showing that
A. imprisonment is not widely regarded as an act of crueltyB. chicken pox and burglary are not analogous evils
C. imprisonment does not cause malicious injury
D. sentences of imprisonment are given increasingly rarely
E. a burglar who commits murder in self defense would not be hanged
7. The author apparently believes that people at the time he wrote the passage were
A. inclined to consider poverty a social evilB. anxious to take the right steps to ensure an orderly society
C. too ready to judge other people unfairly
D. inconsistent in their attitude to poverty
E. in favor of unusually harsh punishment of all offenders