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GMAT - Sentence Correction - Test 3
Read the passage and choose the option that best answer each question.
1. It is highly desirable that you furnish evidence of your expenses before you submit your final accounts.
A. It is highly desirable that you furnish evidence of your expensesB. It is highly desirable that you should furnish evidence of your expenses
C. It is highly to be desired that you furnish evidences of your expenses
D. You must furnish evidence of your expenses
E. You should have to supply evidence of your expenses
2. The population of tigers in the National Park is increasing steadily, and this is a source of encouragement to those who have worked so hard to fund the conservation effort.
A. steadily, and thisB. steadily: which
C. steadily; this trend
D. steadily, this increase
E. steady, and this
3. In the fine print at the end of the document lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that result from civil unrest.
A. lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses thatB. lies the clauses that make us liable for any expenses which
C. lies the clause that make us liable for any expenses that
D. lie the clauses that makes us liable for any expenses which
E. lie the clauses that make us liable for any expenses that
4. The administration discussed whether the number of students studying European languages was likely to decline when the senior lecturer retired.
A. whether the number of students studying European languages was likelyB. whether the number of students studying European languages were likely
C. if the students studying European languages were likely
D. if the number of European language students were likely
E. whether the number of students studying European languages was liable
5. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden, he might get a better display of flowers.
A. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the gardenB. If the gardener sowed the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden
C. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the garden
D. If the gardener were to sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the garden
E. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse instead of the garden
6. On Discovery channel last night they showed an informative program about new innovations in medical imaging, which you would have found interesting.
A. they showed an informative program about new innovations in medical imaging, which you would have found interesting.B. they showed an informative program about innovations in medical imaging, which you would have found interesting.
C. they showed an informative program about innovations in medical imaging, that you would have found interesting.
D. there was an informative program about new innovations in medical imaging, that you would have found interesting.
E. there was an informative program about innovations in medical imaging, a program you would have found interesting.
7. After working for two hours, the essay started to take shape, and he began to hope that he might finish before the deadline.
A. After working for two hours, the essay started to take shape, and he began to hopeB. When the essay started to take shape after he had worked on it for two hours, he began to hope
C. When the essay started to take shape after he had worked on it for two hours, he begun to hope
D. When the essay started to take shape after working on it for two hours, he began to hope
E. After working for two hours, the student's essay started to take shape, and he began to hope
8. The young man was surprised to find that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonist in a short story written by a former girlfriend.
A. that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonist inB. his experience as a tutor having been used as the protagonist in
C. his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for the protagonist's in
D. his experience as a tutor being used as the basis for the protagonist of
E. that his experience as a tutor had been used as the basis for events in the life of the protagonist in
9. In the engineering sector at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for we recent graduates to get started on our careers.
A. at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for weB. at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for us
C. there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, a fact that makes it difficult for us
D. there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, which makes it difficult for us
E. there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, a fact which makes it difficult for we
10. The mole is a nocturnal insectivorous mammal regarded as pests by gardeners because of their burrowing activity spoiling lawns and gardens.
A. regarded as pests by gardeners because of their burrowing activity spoilingB. regarded to be pests by gardeners because of their burrowing activity's spoiling
C. regarded as a pest by gardeners because of burrowing activity spoiling
D. considered as a pest by gardeners because of its burrowing activity spoiling
E. regarded as a pest by gardeners because its burrowing activity spoils lawns and gardens.